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Baby bear is allergic to pollen 
and just wants it to be gone! 
Then his forest friends show 
him why they need pollen and 
how it helps him too. Amphibians and reptiles are similar 
but different and are often confused. 
Children ponder the similarities and 
differences between the two animal 
classes through stunning photographs 
and simple, non-fiction text. We can tell a lot about an animal 
from its eyes: if predator or prey, 
if diurnal or nocturnal, and even 
its gender or age. A photographic sneak peak 
at the extraordinary duties of 
aquarists as they not only feed 
and care for animals, but help 
to conserve whole species. This photographic journal takes 
readers behind the scenes at four 
different wildlife rehabilitation 
centers where sick, ill, and injured 
animals are nursed back to health 
and released into the wild. A photographic sneak peak 
at the extraordinary duties of 
zookeepers as they not only 
feed and care for animals, 
but help to conserve whole 
species. What can we learn about animals 
from the shape of their mouths, 
beaks, or bills? What can we infer 
about animals with sharp teeth 
compared to large, flat teeth?
Noses come in all kinds of 
shapes and sizes that are 
just right for its particular 
animal host. This is the 
latest in Holland’s Animal 
Anatomy and Adaptation 
series. Noses come in all kinds of 
shapes and sizes that are 
just right for its particular 
animal host. This is the 
latest in Holland’s Animal 
Anatomy and Adaptation 
series. Fur, feathers and scales are 
all animal coverings or skins. 
Animals use their skin to stay 
warm and dry, protect themselves 
or hide or even to warn other 
animals to stay away. While we may not often see 
animals, we can see signs 
that they’ve been there from 
footprints (tracks) to chewed 
or scratched bark, homes or 
even poop and pee (traces). Compare and contrast different 
animals. Find the similarities 
between even the most incompatible 
animals . . . bat is to flit as eagle is to 
soar; dog is to bark as lion is to roar. Polly 'Possum is expecting babies, 
and she must find a home. While 
searching, she meets diurnal and 
nocturnal animals with hives, burrows, 
and dreys. Will she find her own 
special place in time? When Cole and Helena hike to 
find animals in the forest they 
don’t spot a single creature but 
they do find signs of life. Who 
had been there, who had 
done that?
Maggie Magpie patiently explains 
how to build a nest. This clever 
retelling of an old English folktale 
teaches the importance of 
careful listening. Tiger lives in the jungle but Tiggy 
lives on the porch. What are the 
differences between the largest 
wild cats and our small domestic 
companions? What are the 
similarities?  Panting tongues and buzzing wings 
are two ways animals stay cool. 
Learn how different animals adapt 
to hot weather as they wonder how 
humans stay cool in the summer. Follow this young red fox as he 
explores the world around him 
during the first few months of his 
life learning to hunt through play 
and by using his senses. 
When Rebecca, the red-tailed hawk, 
comes meets the barn ghost, she 
discovers he is more familiar than 
expected. Find out what they have in 
common and how they are different. Chicken Little may have thought 
the sky was falling but Peter Pika 
is sure the glaciers are melting 
and is off to talk to the Mountain 
Monarch about it. Divide and conquer bands of gorillas, 
tribes of billy goats, mobs of wallabies, 
and more animal groups with The 
Great Divide!
Let's spy on thirteen different 
habitats and find out who 
lives there. This clever book of baby 
announcement riddles will 
have children giggling as 
they use the various text 
and illustrated clues to 
guess what baby was just 
born. There is a commotion on the lake: 
he hops, he squawks, and worst 
of all, he can’t stand still! Will the 
young heron learn to stand still like 
his elders? Influenced by Native American 
folktales, this story teaches the 
phases of the moon while 
emphasizing how to deal with 
bullies. The South Sea’s top predator 
is revealed in this fishy tale of 
who eats whom! Join Delfina the dolphin as she 
imagines that she becomes 
other sea animals: a fish, a sea 
turtle, a pelican, an octopus, a 
shark, and even a manatee! Follow along as Kali the orphaned 
polar bear is rescued and then 
cared for by his keepers at the 
Alaska Zoo and the Buffalo Zoo.
The seasons turn cold, and little 
red bat doesn’t know what to do. 
Should she stay or should she 
go? Find out in this tale of a 
young red bat’s first winter. When a boy and his mother take 
their dog Miles on a peaceful 
canoe ride, they find themselves 
frantically racing to save a mother 
loon and her family! Leena, her mom, and dog Bobie hop 
in the boat for a night of citizen science 
counting horseshoe crabs on the beach. 
Learn valuable facts as they survey these 
ancient animals. Young Moose is lucky to find a friend 
and guide in the wisecracking Magpie. 
Laugh along with these two pals, and 
maybe—just maybe—Moose will make 
a joke of his own! From pirate bugs to Luna moths, 
children will love learning about 
the world’s insects. This rhythmic 
book teaches multiplication in a 
way that will make children bug
you for more. After chugging down his glass of 
milk that’s two-thirds gooey paste, 
a young boy and his friend are off 
to camp for a day of fraction fun 
and an out-of-this world soccer 
game. Uncover the surprising ways that 
all different animals in various 
habitats around the world take 
part in recycling and learn why it 
is important for our environment.
Hidden in forests of kelp, tucked under 
a shelf of coral, and floating in dark 
depths, the denizens of the underwater 
world wait for readers to discover them. Seasons change in the ocean much 
as they do on land. In fanciful form, 
children learn about plants and 
animals that are joined through the 
mix of seasons, food webs, and 
habitats beneath the waves.  Many animals gather in huge 
numbers at predictable times 
and locations. Travel along 
with them as you learn about 
what puts these animals On 
the Move.
Rhythmic text takes readers through 
the months as one lonely wolf 
howling in January becomes three 
wolves barking in the crisp March air, 
six napping in the warm June weather, 
and a pack-wide celebration in 
December. Mom said, yes to pick out a pet! 
Invertebrates are out. Vertebrates 
are in, but reptiles, birds and fish 
are soon off the list. A tiger or 
elephant won't do; which mammal 
should the child choose? Go on a geometry naming 
adventure as all the Shape 
family relatives weigh in on 
the new baby’s name. Who 
will have the right angle? When Shark Baby’s egg case 
tears loose in a storm, he 
travels ocean habitats to learn 
what kind of shark he is.
Why do trees lose their leaves? 
Find out with Papa Sparrow in 
this pourquoi folktale. Travel around the world to discover 
a wide variety of Earth’s geological 
features. Readers encounter plains, 
plateaus, and rolling hills and 
discover how streams make canyons 
or lava creates archipelagos. Nani finds out what it means to be 
a true princess, when Princess 
Luka visits Hilo to save the town 
from the flowing lava of Mauna Loa. Tuktuk found a furry kamik to line 
his winter burrow. When other, 
bigger animals see him and want 
his kamik, this little trickster has to 
convince them that no one needs 
one furry kamik – except a collard 
lemming. Little Woolly is swept downstream 
when glacial ice breaks. Now alone, 
the mammoth calf struggles to 
survive. She must find her way back 
to her herd. Will she get back? Discover animals’ various winter 
adaptation strategies and how 
they compare/contrast to humans. Marcel, a young tundra swan, is tired 
from the first half of a winter migration, 
so he decides to stay up north. He 
soon realizes he’s not cut out for life on 
ice. What will he do?
Spring is here, and Yodel and his siblings 
are ready to play, learn, and grow. Nature 
photographer Mary Holland captures 
precious moments in the life of this black 
bear family.
50Hardcover Books9781607185697856.55
50eBooks - Personal eLibrary97816071840891-Yr:87.90Life:258.25
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