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Earth Systems & Human Activity
This set deals with earth materials and properties (rocks, soil, water, etc.), natural resources (renewable and non-renewable), and natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes) and the impact on life.
Follow the balloon-making process 
from start to finish, beginning with 
the liquid latex that flows out of 
rubber trees and ending at your 
birthday party!
Gram and Kat put their hats 
on for the park cleanup day. 
Throughout the day the pair 
collects coins and Kat learns 
to add money, and soon there 
is enough for…ICE CREAM! Dinosaur tracks reveal a lot 
about the movement and 
other behaviors of the 
dinosaurs that left them—
this book helps you decode 
these giant footprints. Follow what and how scientists 
have learned about dinosaurs: 
what they ate; how they raised 
their young; how they slept, fought, 
or even if they ever got sick. Chicken Little may have thought 
the sky was falling but Peter Pika 
is sure the glaciers are melting 
and is off to talk to the Mountain 
Monarch about it. Gopher is safe in his burrow when 
the volcano explodes and his 
habitat is destroyed. How does he 
help life return to the mountain? 
This fictional story is based on 
years of scientific observation. A curious child, a shiny quartz 
crystal, and clever wordplay 
introduce young readers to the 
fascinating world of minerals.
Follow this true story as five 
orphaned wolf pups are 
rescued from the Funny River 
wildfire, then cared for at the 
Alaska and Minnesota Zoos.
Uncover the surprising ways that 
all different animals in various 
habitats around the world take 
part in recycling and learn why it 
is important for our environment.
After a devastating earthquake, 
mother and baby giant panda run 
from the wreckage of their reserve 
only to get lost. Will they ever find 
their way home again? A hurricane forms over ocean. 
Humans board up windows, 
gather food and supplies, and 
then wait for the storm to arrive. 
But what do wild animals do? Travel around the world to discover 
a wide variety of Earth’s geological 
features. Readers encounter plains, 
plateaus, and rolling hills and 
discover how streams make canyons 
or lava creates archipelagos. A town plagued by tornadoes 
needs help! Travis the tornado 
tamer comes into town with a 
plan. With tornado season on 
the horizon, will his invisible 
cover save their homes? Nani finds out what it means to be 
a true princess, when Princess 
Luka visits Hilo to save the town 
from the flowing lava of Mauna Loa.
The legend of the hoodoos is far 
from Vivian’s mind as she and 
Grandma pick pine nuts. But when 
Vivian disrespects the trees, 
Grandma reminds her of the 
legend and their history.
15Hardcover Books9781628555448264.25
15eBooks - Personal eLibrary97816071884901-Yr:80.90Life:172.50
15eBooks - Site License97816071884901-Yr:350.00Life:1685.00

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