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Even powerful birds of prey 
can get sick or hurt. When that 
happens, animal helpers at 
raptor centers come to the rescue! Join Maddie and Max as they 
learn a valuable lesson from a 
little lost owl. This story reminds 
us that we live in a world 
surrounded by wild animals, and 
those wild animals deserve our 
caution and respect! Maggie Magpie patiently explains 
how to build a nest. This clever 
retelling of an old English folktale 
teaches the importance of 
careful listening. A young boy and his grandpa 
push aside their Christmas 
preparation to rescue a beautiful 
cardinal during a blizzard and 
nurse it back to health. When Rebecca, the red-tailed hawk, 
comes meets the barn ghost, she 
discovers he is more familiar than 
expected. Find out what they have in 
common and how they are different. There is a commotion on the lake: 
he hops, he squawks, and worst 
of all, he can’t stand still! Will the 
young heron learn to stand still like 
his elders? This whimsical story lets children 
imagine what life would be like if 
they were a pet parrot, climbing 
around the house, chewing 
wooden spoons, and more!
When a boy and his mother take 
their dog Miles on a peaceful 
canoe ride, they find themselves 
frantically racing to save a mother 
loon and her family! Huge eyes and fluffly feathers will 
steal the hearts of readers as they 
learn how Otis the barred owl 
prepares for the big world outside 
the nest.  Penelope Parker lives with penguins 
from all around the world! Do the 
antics prove too much for her to 
handle? Learn to count ten different 
penguin species while learning 
geography. Why do trees lose their leaves? 
Find out with Papa Sparrow in 
this pourquoi folktale. Marcel, a young tundra swan, is tired 
from the first half of a winter migration, 
so he decides to stay up north. He 
soon realizes he’s not cut out for life on 
ice. What will he do?
12Hardcover Books9781628558135189.45
12eBooks - Personal eLibrary97816285568411-Yr:80.30Life:165.15
12eBooks - Site License97816285568411-Yr:320.00Life:1574.00

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