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AR Set: 5th Grade
Join the ABC Safari looking for 
animals in the sky, mountains, 
forests, deserts and oceans – 
all over the globe in all kinds 
of habitats. Discover how deep-sea animals 
survive in the dark ocean habitat 
and how they attract prey or 
repel predators. Enjoy a day in one of the most 
dynamic habitats on earth—the 
salt marsh. Fun-to-read, rhyming 
verse introduces readers to hourly 
changes in the marsh as the tide 
comes and goes. Seasons change in the ocean much 
as they do on land. In fanciful form, 
children learn about plants and 
animals that are joined through the 
mix of seasons, food webs, and 
habitats beneath the waves.  This sequel to the award-winning 
Water Beds takes readers on an 
around-the-world boat ride to learn 
how mammals sleep in or around 
nine major rivers of the world on 
all continents except Antarctica. Some trees are short and some 
are tall. Some grow in hot 
deserts and others grow on cold 
mountains. Compare and contrast 
different characteristics of trees 
through vibrant photographs.
6Hardcover Books9781607181705118.65
6eBooks - Personal eLibrary97816071821081-Yr:47.95Life:96.15
6eBooks - Site License97816071821081-Yr:180.00Life:900.00

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