Alligator or Crocodile? A Compare and Contrast Book

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Alligator or Crocodile? A Compare and Contrast Book
Some of the most often confused reptiles are alligators and crocodiles. While both are crocodilians and, in some cases, may even inhabit the same areas, they are quite different. Readers learn what they have in common and how to tell them apart. Both spend time on land and in water. One eats small animals but the other preys on animals larger than they are! One tends to have wide snouts and the other has v-shaped snouts. Explore fascinating facts about these large (and scary) animals in this latest installment of the Compare and Contrast Book series.

Written by Jennifer Shields
32 pg, 8.5 x 10, Ages 4 - 8, Grades 1-4, Lexile: 640L
Paperback 9781643519821 $11.95  
Spanish Paperback 9781638172628 $11.95  
EBook 9781638170013 Purchase Here
Spanish EBook 9781638172680 Purchase Here
Keywords:   alligators, crocodiles, gators, crocks, American alligator, American crocodile, reptiles, reptile comparisons, animal comparisons, compare and contrast, similarities and differences, compare and contrast animal adaptations, compare and contrast physical adaptations, compare and contrast animals, animal adaptations for kids, animal adaptations behavioral and physical, animal adaptations physical, animal adaptations behavioral, adaptations animals use to survive, animal adaptations habitat, animal anatomy & adaptations
Animals in the book:   alligators, crocodiles, alligator, crocodile
Vetters:   Thanks to John Brueggen, Director of the St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park, for verifying the accuracy of the information in this book.


Author/Illustrator Info:

Jennifer Shields has been a zoo educator and animal trainer for over thirty years working at zoos in Ohio, Florida, Alabama, California, and now in Louisiana where she is the Curator of Education at the Baton Rouge Zoo. She is a certified Master Animal Trainer and has worked with a wide variety of animals from elephants, sea lions, and tigers to bats, pythons, and alligators. She shares her home with three dogs and two cats and shares her property, which is a certified Louisiana native plant and wildlife habitat, with native animals large and small. Louisiana has provided the chance to spend time with alligators in the wild and has deepened her understanding of and affection for these often-misunderstood creatures.  

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