Alignment to Standards for WV
Grade | Number | Standard |
1 | SC.O.1.2.05 | depict movement of living things in air, water and on land. (e.g., birds flying, fish swimming, or worms burrowing in soil). |
2 | SC.O.2.2.01 | identify that plants and animals have different structures. |
2 | SC.O.2.2.02 | identify the structures of living things including their systems, and explain their functions (e.g., wings for flying, fins for swimming, or roots for support and obtaining water). |
3 | SC.O.3.2.01 | identify the structures of living things, including their systems and explain their functions. |
3 | SC.O.3.2.03 | compare physical characteristics and behaviors of living organisms and explain how they are adapted to a specific environment (e.g., beaks and feet in birds, seed dispersal, camouflage, or different types of flowers). |
5 | SC.O.5.2.01 | interconnections of biological, earth and space, and physical science concepts. |
5 | SC.O.5.2.03 | identify the structures of living organisms and explain their function. |
5 | SC.O.5.2.06 | compare and contrast how the different characteristics of plants and animals help them to survive in different niches and environments including adaptations, natural selection, and extinction. |
K | SC.O.K.2.02 | observe and describe the movement, growth and changes in plants and animals. |
K | SC.O.K.2.06 | identify colors. |
K-5 | SC.S.K-5.2a | interrelationships: physics, chemistry, biology and earth and space sciences (effect of natural disasters/seasons on living things, change in environment) |