Alignment to Standards for VT
Grade | Number | Standard |
1,2 | S1-2:30 | the parts that make up living things (i.e., roots, stems, leaves, flowers, legs, antennae, tail, shell). |
1,2 | S1-2:30a. | Living things (plants and animals) are made of parts that enable survival. |
1,2 | S1-2:40 | comparing their physical features with those of other organisms. |
1,2 | S1-2:48b. | There are cyclical changes that we see throughout the seasons that can be observed and recorded. |
2,3 | S3-4:30 | Explaining how the physical structure/characteristic of an organism allows it to survive and defend itself (e.g., The coloring of a fiddler crab allows it to camouflage itself in the sand and grasses of its environment so that it will be protected from pr |
2,3 | S3-4:30a | Organisms have physical characteristics that help them to survive in their environment. These structures enable an organism to: defend itself, obtain food, reproduce, eliminate waste. |
2,3 | S3-4:38 | Describing and sorting plants and animals into groups based on structural similarities and differences (e.g., All pine, spruce and evergreen trees have similar leaf structures; Spiders have eight legs, and insects have six). |
2,3 | S3-4:38a. | The great variety of living things can be sorted into groups in many ways using various characteristics to decide which things belong to which group. |
2,3 | S3-4:40 | Describing similarities that are inherited from a biological parent. |
2,3 | S3-4:48.1a. | Weather changes from day to day and over the seasons. Weather can be described by measurable quantities (such as temperature, wind direction and speed, precipitation and air pressure). |
PK-K | SPK-K:38a. | Some living things (organisms) are identified as plants or animals. |