Alignment to Standards for SC
Grade | Number | Standard |
1 | SC:1-1.1 | Compare, classify, and sequence objects by number, shape, texture, size, color, and motion, using English units of measurement where appropriate. |
2 | SC:2-2.2 | Classify animals (including mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, and insects) according to their physical characteristics. |
2 | SC:2-2.3 | distinct environments throughout the world support the life of different types of animals. |
2 | SC:2-2.4 | Summarize the interdependence between animals and plants as sources of food and shelter. |
2 | SC:2-3.2 | Recall weather terminology (including temperature, wind direction, wind speed, and precipitation as rain, snow, sleet, and hail). |
2 | SC:2-3.3 | Illustrate the weather conditions of different seasons. |
2 | SC:2-3.6 | Identify safety precautions that one should take during severe weather conditions. |
3 | SC:3-1.1 | Classify objects by two of their properties (attributes). |
3 | SC:3-2.1 | Illustrate the life cycles of seed plants and various animals and summarize how they grow and are adapted to conditions within their habitats. |
3 | SC:3-2.2 | Explain how physical and behavioral adaptations allow organisms to survive (including hibernation, defense, locomotion, movement, food obtainment, and camouflage for animals and seed dispersal, color, and response to light for plants). |
3 | SC:3-2.3 | Recall the characteristics of an organisms habitat that allow the organism to survive there. |
3 | SC:3-2.4 | Explain how changes in the habitats of plants and animals affect their survival. |
4 | SC:4-2.1 | Classify organisms into major groups (including plants or animals, flowering or nonflowering plants, and vertebrates [fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals] or invertebrates) according to their physical characteristics. |
4 | SC:4-2.4 | Distinguish between the characteristics of an organism that are inherited and those that are acquired over time. |
K | SC:K-4.1 | Identify weather changes that occur from day to day. |
K | SC:K-4.2 | Compare the weather patterns that occur from season to season. |
K | SC:K-4.3 | Summarize ways that the seasons affect plants and animals. |