Standards for PR

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Alignment to Standards for PR

1 EM.1.4 Reconoce que los organismos poseen estructuras que les permiten vivir y adaptarse (picos, alas, patas, piernas, brazos, etc.):
1 EM.1.4.1 Describe las estructuras y las funciones de los seres vivientes (plantas, animales y humanos).
1 EM.1.4.4 Describe el respeto hacia la biodiversidad.
1 I.1.4 Establece las interacciones entre seres vivientes y su ambiente.
1 NC.1.3.2 Demuestra respeto y aprecio por la naturaleza y las diversas formas de vida.
2 EM.2.4.1 Reconoce diversas formas de vida.
3 R.3.6 Recognizes differences between fiction and nonfiction; identifies fact and opinion; recognizes main idea in simple informational text.
5 R.5.4 Explains the differences between fiction and nonfiction; states the main idea and topic and identifies fact and opinion in expository text.
K R.K.3 Uses context clues and illustrations to identify details and to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
K R.K.4 Demonstrates awareness of main character(s) and uses picture cues to identify similarities and differences between characters within narrative texts.

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