Alignment to Standards for OH
Grade | Number | Standard |
1 | SC/1 LS-A | Living things have basic needs, which are met by obtaining materials from the physical environment. |
1 | SC/1 LS-B1 | Resources are necessary to meet the needs of an individual and populations of individuals. Living things interact with their physical environments as they meet those needs. |
5 | SC/5 LS-B2 | Energy entering ecosystems as sunlight is transferred and transformed by producers into energy that organisms use through the process of photosynthesis. That energy then passes from organism to organism as illustrated in food webs. |
K | SC/K LS-B | Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival. |
PK | SC/PK ESS-C | Water can be observed as lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, the ocean, rainfall, hail, sleet or snow. |
PK | SC/PK LS-A | There are many distinct environments in Ohio that support different kinds of organisms. |
PK | SC/PK LS-A1 | Plants and animals have traits that improve their chances of living in different environments. |
PK | SC/PK LS-A2 | Plants and animals in Ohio interact with one another for food, shelter and nesting. |
PK | SC/PK LS-B2 | Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival. |
PK | SC/PK LS-B3 | Physical traits and behaviors of plants and animals are sometimes the same and sometimes different from the characteristics ascribed to them in stories. |