Alignment to Standards for NM
Grade | Number | Standard |
1 | GEO-1)2.C.1 | Identify examples of and uses for natural resources in the community, state, and nation. |
1 | GEO-1)2.F.1 | Describe the role of resources in daily life. |
1 | SC-1) | simple properties of matter (e.g., hardness, flexibility, transparency). |
2 | GEO-2)2.C.1 | Identify ways in which people depend on natural and man-made environments including natural resources to meet basic needs. |
2 | SC-2) | Know that rocks have different shapes and sizes (e.g., boulders, pebbles, sand) and that smaller rocks result from the breaking and weathering of larger rocks. |
2 | SC-2) | rocks are made of materials with distinct properties. |
3 | EC-3)4.A.2 | Define and categorize resources (e.g., human, financial, natural). |
3 | EC-3)4.A.3 | Identify a variety of products that use similar resources. |
4 | SC-4) | the properties of rocks and minerals reflect the processes that shaped them (i.e., igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks). |
K | GEO-K)2.D.1 | Describe the Earthês physical characteristics. |
K | GEO-K)2.F.1 | Identify natural resources. |
K | SC-K) | objects are made of different types of materials |
K | SC-K) | different materials have different properties (e.g., color, odor). |