Alignment to Standards for NE
Grade | Number | Standard |
2,3,4 | SS 2-4)4.10a | Students will identify and use essential map elements. |
2,3,4 | SS 2-4)4.10d | Use the grid system to find locations. |
2,3,4 | SS 2-4)4.11 | Students will use maps and globes to acquire information about people, places, and environments. |
2,3,4 | SS 2-4)4.12d | Identify mountains, lakes, and rivers in each region. |
5-Mar | SC5.3.1 | Students will investigate and compare the characteristics of living things. |
5-Mar | SC5.3.1.b | Identify how parts of plants and animals function to meet basic needs (e.g., leg of an insect helps an insect move, root of a plant helps the plant obtain water) |
K-1 | SS K-1)1.3a | Students will compare the relative location of people, places, and things. |
K-1 | SS K-1)1.3c | Identify map symbols, e.g., legend references to land, water, roads, and cities. |
K-1 | SS K-1)1.3e | Locate land and water on simple maps, globes, or other models using cardinal directions and map symbols. |
K-2 | SC2.3.1.c | Identify external parts of plants and animals |