Alignment to Standards for NE
Grade | Number | Standard |
2,3,4 | MA 2-4) 4.6.2 | identify, describe, and extend arithmetic patterns, using concrete materials and tables. |
K-1 | MA K-1)1.1.1. | the sequential order of the number system. |
K-1 | MA K-1)1.1.2 | students will demonstrate ways of representing numbers and compare relations among numbers. |
K-1 | MA K-1)1.1.2a | Count objects to demonstrate one-to-one correspondence. |
K-1 | MA K-1)1.1.2d | Connect number words and numerals to the quantities they represent. |
K-1 | MA K-1)1.1.3a | Identify how numbers are used in counting situations |
K-1 | MA K-1)1.2.1b | Recognize the symbols + and - as representing the operations of addition and subtraction. |
K-1 | MA K-1)1.2.1c | Recognize the symbol = represents equal quantities. |
K-1 | MA K-1)1.2.1f | Compute efficiently and accurately basic number facts for addition and subtraction. |
K-1 | MA K-1)1.6.1 | students will identify, describe, extend, and create patterns (objects, sounds, movements, shapes, numbers, and colors). |