Alignment to Standards for MD
Grade | Number | Standard |
1 | SS-1.3.0.A.1.a | Locate the continents and oceans using maps and a globe |
1 | SS-1.3.0.A.1.d | Define map elements as parts of a map that make it easy to use |
1 | SS-1.3.0.A.1.e | Describe where places are located on a map using relative distance and direction, such as near-far, above-below and cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west) |
1,2 | SS-1&2.3.0.A.1. | Use geographic tools to locate and describe places on Earth |
2 | SS-2.3.0.A.1.a | Identify the purpose and use of a globe and a variety of maps and atlases, such as school maps, neighborhood maps and simple atlases |
2 | SS-2.3.0.A.1.b | map elements, such as title, compass rose, simple grid system, legend/key, date, and author to interpret a map |
2 | SS-2.3.0.A.1.c | Identify the equator, poles, seven continents, four oceans, and countries on a map and globe |
3 | SS-3.3.0.A.1. | Use geographic tools to locate and construct meaning about places on Earth |
K | SS-K-3.0.A.1. | globe and maps can be used to help people locate places |
K | SS-K-3.0.A.1.b | Describe how maps are models showing physical features and/or human features of places |
K | SS-K-3.0.A.1.d | Identify pictures and photographs that represent places on a map such as a playground and a fire station |
PK | SS-PK-3.0.A.1. | Recognize that a globe and maps are used to help people locate places |
PK | SS-PK-3.0.A.1.a | Recognize that maps are models of places |