Standards for MD

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Alignment to Standards for MD

3 SS-3.6.0.C.2.d Pose questions that elicit higher order thinking responses
K SC-K.3.0.A.1.b features that make some animals and some plants very different from one another.
K SC-K.3.0.D.1.b describe and compare living things found in other states such as Texas and Alaska to those found in Maryland.
PK SC-PK.3.0.A.1. familiar plants and animals to describe how they are alike and how they are different.
PK SC-PK.3.0.A.1.a how some animals are alike in the way they look and in the things they do.
PK SS-PK-3.6.0.E.1.a Distinguish factual from fictional information (anthropomorphic)
PK-2 SC-PK-2.1.0.A.1.g Use whole numbers and simple, everyday fractions in ordering, counting, identifying, measuring, and describing things and experiences.

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