Alignment to Standards for MA
Grade | Number | Standard |
1 | 1.SS.1. | Identify temporal sequences such as days, weeks, months, years, and seasons. Use correctly words and phrases related to time (now, in the past, in the future) and recognize the existence of changing historical periods (other times, other places).(H) |
PK-2 | E&S:PK-2.3. | Describe the weather changes from day to day and over the seasons. |
PK-2 | E&S:PK-2.5. | Identify some events around us that have repeating patterns, including the seasons of the year, day and night. |
PK-2 | LS:PK-2.1 | animals (including humans) and plants are living things that grow, reproduce, and need food, air, and water. |
PK-2 | LS:PK-2.3 | plants and animals have life cycles, and that life cycles vary for different living things. |
PK-2 | LS:PK-2.4 | Describe ways in which many plants and animals closely resemble their parents in observed appearance. |
PK-2 | LS:PK-2.6 | people and other animals interact with the environment through their senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. |
PK-2 | LS:PK-2.8 | an organismês habitat provides for its basic needs (plants require air, water, nutrients, and light; animals require food, water, air, and shelter). |