Alignment to Standards for HI
Grade | Number | Standard |
1 | SC.1.2.2 | Describe a variety of changes that occur in nature |
1 | SC.1.4.1 | Describe how living things have structures that help them to survive |
1 | SC.1.5.2 | Describe the physical characteristics of living things that enable them to live in their environment |
2 | SC.2.3.1 | Describe how animals depend on plants and animals |
2 | SC.2.5.1 | Identify distinct environments and the different kinds of organisms each environment supports |
2 | SC.2.6.1 | Identify ways to change the physical properties of objects |
2 | SS.2.7.3 | Describe a variety of the earth's natural resources (e.g., water, forests, and oil) and ways in which people use them |
3 | SC.3.3.1 | Describe how plants depend on animals |
3 | SC.3.4.1 | Compare distinct structures of living things that help them to survive |
3 | SC.3.5.1 | Describe the relationship between structure and function in organisms |
3 | SS.3.7.1 | Use geographic representations (e.g., maps, globes, graphs, charts, models) to organize and analyze geographic information |
3 | SS.3.7.3 | physical and human characteristics that make different regions unique |
4 | SC.4.3.2 | Describe how an organisms behavior is determined by its environment |
4 | SC.4.5.3 | Describe how different organisms need specific environmental conditions to survive |
5 | SC.5.5.1 | Recognize that some traits of living things are inherited and others are learned |
K | SC.K.3.1 | Identify similarities and differences between plants and animals |
K | SS.K.7.2 | Use terms to describe relative location (i.e., above/below, near/far, left/right, and cardinal directions) |