Alignment to Standards for CA
Grade | Number | Standard |
1 | 1 S LS--2 | Plants and animals meet their needs in different ways. |
1 | 1 S LS--2.a. | Different plants and animals inhabit different kinds of environments and have external features that help them thrive in different kinds of places. |
1 | 1 S LS--2.b. | both plants and animals need water, animals need food, and plants need light. |
1 | 1 S LS--2.c. | animals eat plants or other animals for food and may also use plants or even other animals for shelter and nesting. |
2 | 2 S LS--2 | Plants and animals have predictable life cycles. |
2 | 2 S LS--2.a. | organisms reproduce offspring of their own kind and that the offspring resemble their parents and one another. |
2 | 2 S LS--2.b. | sequential stages of life cycles are different for different animals, such as butterflies, frogs, and mice. |
4 | 4 S LS--2 | All organisms need energy and matter to live and grow. |
4 | 4 S LS--3 | Living organisms depend on one another and on their environment for survival. |
4 | 4 S LS--3.b. | in any particular environment, some kinds of plants and animals survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all. |
K | K S LS--2.c. | identify major structures of common plants and animals (e.g., stems, leaves, roots, arms, wings, legs). |