Alignment to Standards for AZ
Grade | Number | Standard |
1 | PO 1 | Describe the following basic Earth materials: rocks, soil, water, |
1 | PO 2 | Compare the habitats (e.g., desert, forest, prairie, water, underground) in which plants and animals live. |
1 | PO 2 | physical properties of basic Earth materials: color, texture, capacity to retain water, |
3 | PO 1 | Compare life cycles of various plants (e.g., conifers, flowering plants, ferns). |
3 | PO 1 | Describe the function of the following plant structures: roots _ absorb nutrients, stems _ provide support, leaves _ synthesize food, flowers _attract pollinators and produce seeds for reproduction |
3 | PO 2 | Explain how growth, death, and decay are part of the plant life cycle. |
3 | PO 5 | environmental factors (soil composition, range of temperature, quantity and quality of light or water) in the ecosystem may affect a member organismês ability to grow, reproduce, and thrive. |
4 | PO 1 | Describe ways various resources (e.g., air, water, plants, animals, soil) are utilized to meet the needs of a population. |
K | PO 1 | Identify rocks, soil, and water as basic Earth materials. |
K | PO 2 | Identify that plants and animals need the following to grow and survive: food, water, air, space, |
K | PO 2 | Compare physical properties (e.g., color, texture, capacity to retain water) of basic Earth materials. |