A straightforward narrative follows the young, white herpetologist as she looks and listens for animals as part of her fieldwork...the title, also available in Spanish as La dama de las Siguanas, features helpful backmatter (here, further information about the lizards, their adaptations, the scientist, and invasive species), making it particularly welcome in educational settings.
The book describes the conservation work of Dr. Nicole Angeli, the “Lizard Lady” of St. Croix. Dr. Angeli has devised a way to preserve the endangered land lizard by removing the animals from the main island, where they are preyed upon my mongooses, and transplanting them to small neighboring islands. The book conveys some basic concepts of conservation and also communicates what it is like to be a naturalist (or herpetologist to be precise) working in the field. The For Creative Minds section of the book provides educational resources on geography, evolution, and ecology relating to the story, which can be used by parents and teachers. Additional educational resources relating to the story are available through the publisher’s website. The book is well illustrated and recommended. —John Charles Pugh, Bethesda, MD
It's nice to see a scientist in action, and the illustrations by Veronica V. Jones flow nicely with the text. This is an Arbordale nonfiction book so it includes additional learning activities, and a brief autobiography of and by Dr. Angeli. This is solid and interesting nonfiction that would also make a good read-aloud.
This book may encourage more girls to consider careers in the sciences while inspiring many youngsters to consider a career that allows them to make a very real difference in the world. I'd certainly include this title in a science classroom library. - Barbara
Read this guest post featuring Nicole Angeli and Jennifer Keats Curtis!
I was really excited to receive The Lizard Lady because I really like reading books based on true stories. They help me learn about things that are actually happening. I have never heard of the St. Croix lizard before, and I liked learning about what scientists are doing to help their population. In this book, I especially love the section at the end, which teaches more about St. Croix, the lizards, what adaptation means, and what invasive species are. I liked the little write-up from Dr. Nicole F. Angelo. I would recommend The Lizard Lady to kids who like learning about endangered species and learning what scientists are doing to help these species.- Reviewed by Jewel (Age 10)
...We loved the illustrations by Veronica V. Jones, which are full of pretty blues and greens. These colors really help set the mood for the entire narrative, which takes place in an island jungle. The best part about this book is the take away that we received by learning all about this amazing species, and the efforts to keep them flourishing on this planet.
This informational story, written by Jennifer Keats Curtis, is filled with interesting facts and tidbits about the St. Croix ground lizard. Young children will be inspired by the work that Dr. Angeli is doing on the island of St. Croix. Filled with beautiful images and text features, this text could be used to not only teach adaptations, but map skills, and the importance of journaling. I see this book being used in writer’s workshop as well, helping students to understand how to structure informational in an interesting way for the reader. This is a must read for students and teachers in elementary school.
While especially and unreservedly recommended for elementary school and community library Pets/Wildlife picture book collections.
As the Lizard Lady goes throughout the forests and islands, readers learn about the endangered species and why that is. Insights are given on how St. Croix ground lizards live. Readers are also given a glimpse of what it might be like to be a scientist working with animals.
I especially enjoy that this book features a real-life female scientist. Raising 3 girls myself I know how important it is to show strong women in science fields of study! Maybe the Lizard Lady will inspire my girls to try out the sciences!
Good science read-aloud research book - recommended.
What I like about this book: the list of things the Lizard Lady carries with her when she heads off on a hike! Waaay more stuff than a notebook and pen. I also like the back matter. There's information and maps showing St. Croix and the surrounding islands in the Caribbean. There's additional information on the St. Croix lizard and its adaptation, as well as the invasive mongoose. And there's a great bio-note on Dr. Angeli.
This book show how scientists are trying to keep species from going extinct. Marvelously encouraging, yet realistic. What wonderful effort for our biodiversity! I loved the illustrations, but I would also like to see some actual photos.
Saving endangered species is a very important job. It takes skill, intense training and extreme determination to get the job done. This is the life path of Dr. Nicole F Angeli otherwise known as “The Lizard Lady” Dr. Nicole spends her days searching the islands near St Croix for the endangered St Croix ground lizards. Readers will discover what this dedicated lady does to ensure the preservation of this vanishing species.
Using full page, full-color artwork and dramatic text, the story of The Lizard Lady continues. The reader will soon learn about these fascinating creatures, plus the characteristics of the mongoose. All the excitment of the life of a lizard is captured within the pages of this exciting volume. Also included: 4 pages of learning activities.