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NSTA / CBC Outstanding Science Trade Books
As a school project, Alexa raises 
an American Crocodile named 
Jefe. Alexa brings him chicken 
and frogs to eat, and measures 
his growth. Soon he will be big 
enough to return to the wild. This sequel to Mary Holland’s
Animal Anatomy and Adaptations
series explores digging, spinning, 
building, and burrowing as a variety 
of animals make a place of their own. What can we learn about animals 
from the shape of their mouths, 
beaks, or bills? What can we infer 
about animals with sharp teeth 
compared to large, flat teeth? It’s time for the citizen science 
bat count! Jojo and her family 
record the number of bats 
visiting their barn. Is it a 
maternity roost? How did one weigh an elephant 
in ancient China? Based on a true 
story, discover how six-year-old 
Cao Chong outsmarted the prime 
minister’s most learned advisors 
by using buoyancy! All animals take baths to keep 
their bodies clean and healthy. 
Humans might use soap and 
water but some animals use 
their tongues, dust, or even let 
other animals clean them off. Follow this young red fox as he 
explores the world around him 
during the first few months of his 
life learning to hunt through play 
and by using his senses.
Gopher is safe in his burrow when 
the volcano explodes and his 
habitat is destroyed. How does he 
help life return to the mountain? 
This fictional story is based on 
years of scientific observation. The true story of Honey Girl, 
the Hawaiian monk seal, will 
captivate readers as the 
endangered seal is rescued, 
rehabilitated, released, and 
becomes a mom once again. Using a wide variety of photographs, 
author Kevin Kurtz poses thought-
provoking questions to help readers 
determine if things are living or 
Leena, her mom, and dog Bobie hop 
in the boat for a night of citizen science 
counting horseshoe crabs on the beach. 
Learn valuable facts as they survey these 
ancient animals. Join a young boy and his dog 
as they explore Newton’s Laws 
of Motion on an educational 
outdoor adventure! Many animals gather in huge 
numbers at predictable times 
and locations. Travel along 
with them as you learn about 
what puts these animals On 
the Move.
Compare and contrast these 
polar animals through 
stunning photographs.
Dog Detectives? Dogs that are 
part of wildlife detective teams 
are trained to catch the scent of 
wild animal poop (scat) so that 
scientists can learn about these 
animals without luring or trapping 
15Hardcover Books9781628558272234.35
15eBooks - Personal eLibrary97816285583261-Yr:80.90Life:172.50
15eBooks - Site License97816285583261-Yr:350.00Life:1685.00

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